Hythe Quaker Worship Group

A small but dedicated group meet on the third Sunday of every month at Hythe community centre. The bonds of friendship and mutual support are palpable and heart-warming. Each person is accepted and nurtured, and strangers are welcome.

Now a familiar face at meetings, the story of one attender's  experience speaks volumes about this welcome extended to all: 

"My life has changed, my thinking is different, I have a circle of genuine friends who have seen me change over the years. All of them are Quakers."

This was the scene on a warm Sunday in July: a fragrant bunch of sweet peas on the table, jars of homemade blackcurrant jam passed around, a birthday remembered, concerns about another friend's health. Tales of Marilyn's career as a midwife, witnessing the daily miracles of new life. Then centering down together into the gathered stillness of Meeting for Worship. And in the quiet hour, a developing sense of connection - with each other, with our deeper selves, with God. A few words of ministry were spoken, reflecting back over many years sat in circles like this; growing, nurturing, sharing.The gift of Grace, the gift of friendship, the gift of this precious day. 

What would help you grow into your true potential? Try Quakers!

Watch this short video to learn more, or take this five minute survey to discover how your values and beliefs align with ours.

You can find us at:

Hythe Dibden Community Centre, Brinton Lane, Hythe, Hampshire, SO45 2PR

We meet:

Third Sunday at 10:30

Discussion group once a month. Please contact for details.

Our phone number:

02380 842894


✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet
✓ Parking

Upcoming Events

Sun 16 March

Meeting for Worship


Venue: Hythe Community Centre, Brinton Lane, Hythe, Hampshire, SO45 6DU

We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God's love drawing us together and leading us. You are warmly welcome to join us.

Sun 20 April

Meeting for Worship


Venue: Hythe Community Centre, Brinton Lane, Hythe, Hampshire, SO45 6DU

We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God's love drawing us together and leading us. You are warmly welcome to join us.

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